Aims Review: January 10, 2022


Event Date

Monthly Aims Review

Our Aims Review happens monthly, hosted by the UC Davis Environmental Health Sciences Center's Career Development Program (CDC).

Investigators preparing to submit a grant proposal (intramural or extramural) may bring their Specific Aims to be reviewed by senior investigators. A biostatistician is also in attendance for statistical advice.

If you would like to participate in an Aims Review, fill out this submission form. If you have a question regarding the eligibility of your Aims, contact CDC Co-Directors Pam Lein ( or Nick Kenyon (

Please email your Aims to Ruth Williams ( by noon on the Friday before the review so she can distribute them to reviewers.

Be sure  to RSVP

RSVPs are strongly encouraged. Lunch is provided to those who RSVP. Contact Ruth Williams to RSVP.

Zoom information

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Meeting ID: 969 3496 8535

Passcode: 740150

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